====== 5th HREM&N of UFF======
=== Date of the School: ===
October 16th - 20th, 2023
=== Venue: ===
Laboratório de Microscopia Eletrônica de Alta Resolução / Centro de Caracterização Avançada Para Indústria de Petróleo — LaMAR/CAIPE. Location: Room T21 at the Physics Institute, UFF.
=== Objetive: ===
Theoretical course
Hands-On training of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and Focused Ion Beam (FIB).
=== Topics: ===
* High-resolution electron microscopy
* Microanalyses
* Focused Ion Beam (FIB)
* Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)
=== Confirmed speakers: ===
* Dr. Masashi Watanabe -Dept. of Mater. Sci. & Eng., Lehigh University
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* Dra. Lucille A. Giannuzzi, Ph.D., FAVS, FMSA, FMAS, President, EXpressLO LLC
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* Dr. Jefferson Bettini - LNNano and CNPEM
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* Dr. Leonardo Evangelista Lagoeiro - Universidade Federal do Paraná
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Theoretical course: 40 slots
Hands-on Training: 18 slots
Divided into 6 slots for SEM, 6 slots for TEM training, and 6 slots for FIB training. No swapping of chosen slots during the school will be accepted.
Registrations open for Practical Courses in SEM, TEM, and FIB
=== Program: ===
The program will be defined soon.
=== Prerequisites for Practical Training Applicants: ===
* Certificate of participation for a previously held theoretical course in Electron Microscopy.
* Letter of recommendation from the supervisor.
* Diploma of highest obtained degree.
* Academic transcript.
=== Registration: ===
Registrations can be made between the period from __15th August 2023 to 20th September 2023__, through the form below.
=== Registration Fee: ===
== Theoretical Course: ==
There is no registration fee.
== Practical Course: ==
R$ 280.00
== Financial Assistance: ==
In this edition, it will be possible to provide financial assistance for participation in the practical course to a limited number of students from institutions in Brazil who are not from the state of Rio de Janeiro.
**Follow us on Instagram to stay updated: [[https://www.instagram.com/nanomatuff/| @nanomatuff]] [[https://www.instagram.com/nanomatuff/|{{::indice.jpg?30|}}]] **
==== To complete the registration, please fill out the form: ====
== Scientific committee: ==
Prof. Guillermo Solórzano - PUC-Rio
Prof. Fabio Barboza Passos - UFF
Profa. Andrea Latgé - UFF
== Organizing Committee: ==
Prof. Yutao Xing - UFF
Prof. Guillermo Solórzano - PUC-Rio
Dra. Cilene Labre - LNLS
Prof. Dante Franceschini - UFF
Prof. Geronimo Perez - UFF
Profª. Natasha Midori Suguihiro - UFRJ
Dra. Liying Liu - CBPF
Cauê de Souza Coutinho Nogueira - UFF
Leandro Reis Lidízio - UFF
== Supporters: ==